Schí:ya is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘strawberry’. You can use it for either wild strawberries or domestic strawberries.
Schí:ya sounds like this: SCHEE-ya
Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips
Plural form
As is common in the language, elders differ in the plural form they use for schí:ya:
- Some elders say schelchí:ya, with partial doubling and an inserted -l
- Both elders say schechí:ya, with just partial doubling
Both these plural forms follow regular patterns for plural in the language, and both are ‘correct’. You can also just say ye schí:ya – the strawberries. Audio for both plural forms is here.
Related words
- To talk about a strawberry patch (strawberry plant, strawberry vine, etc), you use schí:yàlhp, with the (e)lhp ending.
- The Halq’eméylem name for Cheam reserve (Xwchíyò:m) is also based on schí:ya
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