Spóq’es is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘bald eagle’. Literally, it means ‘white face’. …
- Sp’óq’es sounds like SPOCK-uss, except that instead of k you say the Halq’emeylem q sound, and both p and q are popped.
- To make the Halq’eméylem q, you touch the back of your tongue way back to your uvula.
- To make a popped consonant, you combine the consonant with a catch in the throat (glottal stop).
Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips
Related words
Sp’óq’es is based on p’éq’ (white). The –es ending means on/of the face, and the s– marks that sp’óq’es is a noun.
Here are some other words based on p’éq’ (white):
- p’eq’ó:les – cataract (the –ó:les ending marks on/of the eye)
- p’q’élqel – mountain goat (the –élqel ending marks of the fur)
Note: p’eq’ó:les is also the name of a place, across the Fraser river from Deroche, BC.
Plural Form
Elders differ in the plural form for this word. Some elders say sp’ep’eq’os for eagles (with partial doubling to mark plural). Other say sp’óleq’es (with an –l– inserted to mark plural). Audio for both version is here.
Since plural marking is optional in Halq’eméylem, you can also just say ye sp’óq’es for the eagles.
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