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illustration for 'butchering knife'

butchering knife

illustration for 'butchering knife' (showing modern knives)

butchering knife

Kw’éts’tel is the Halq’eméylem word for ‘butchering knife’, or ‘butchering tool’. It is related to the verb kw’íts’et – ‘to cut (it) up, to butcher (it)’.

You can use kw’éts’tel for both the traditional Stó:lō tool (as in the first illustration above) and for modern butchering knives.


Kw’éts’tel sounds like QUIT-still, except that:

  • The first sound is a kw’. This sound is a k with lip rounding (lips slightly protrude, to make kw) and a ‘pop’ (made by combining the kw with a glottal stop).
  • Note that there is also an apostrophe after the ts (ts’).  This marks that there is also another glottal stop after the ts.

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling, Elizabeth Phillips

Plural Form

The Elders have a special plural form for kw’étstel, like this: kw’éts’kw’ets’telbutchering knives (audio here).


Elders make this type of plural by doubling (‘reduplicating’) the first part of the word.

Related words

Here are some other words related to kw’éts’tel:

  • Kw’íts’etto cut (it) up, to butcher (it)
  • Skw’íts’òlèscross eyes (literally ‘cut up eyes’; the -òlès ending refers to ‘eyes’)

The -tel ending in kw’éts’tel refers to tools or devices.  Some other words that use the same –tel ending include:

  • Sch’áletstelchair (literally ‘device for putting your rear end on’)

    illustration for 'chair'


  • X̲éltelpen, pencil (literally ‘tool for writing or marking’)

    illustration for x_éltel

    pencil, pen, writing implement

  • Exwtelbroom (literally ‘tool for sweeping’)

    illustration for 'broom'


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