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illustration for lholeqwót ('butterfly, moth')

butterfly, moth

Some elders use lholeqwót to mean ‘butterfly’, others use the same word to mean ‘moth’ …


  • Lholeqwót sounds like loll-uh-KWOT, except that the first l is the Halq’eméylem hissy-l (lh), and instead of a kw you say qw.
  • The hissy-l is similar to a regular l, except that you use more friction, make it hissy, and you have no vibration in your throat.
  • The Halq’eméylem qw is made further back in the mouth than k, with your tongue touching your uvula. For qw, you also round (i.e. stick out) your lips.

Audio: Elizabeth Herrling

Plural Form

Lholeqwót has a special plural form, like this: lhellholeqwótbutterflies (audio here).

This type of plural is made by doubling (‘reduplicating’) the first part of the word.

Alternative forms

Lholeqwót is not the only way to say butterfly in the language. Alternative (and unrelated) words include:

  • Smímeyàthbutterfly (alternative form)
  • Ep’ó:yethlbutterfly (the dictionary is uncertain about this word, it may mean medium and small-sized ones)

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